Director's Commendation

Things to consider when writing the Commendation:


  • Limit the word count to 120 words or less.
  • The recipient knows why they are getting the Commendation, so details can be limited in order to not exceed the targeted word count. 
  • For consistency, please do not remove any of the given template, just add and adjust where necessary. 
  • If there are multiple recipients for a commendation, email your Division's Executive Assistant with the list of recipients to receive the commendation.
  • Download the updated Word file (as of May 3, 2023 - Fixes offset to right on text): Directors Commendation Template Update 5-3-23


If there are multiple recipients for a commendation, forward the submission confirmation email to your Division's Executive Assistant with the list of recipients to receive the commendation.
If there are multiple recipients for a commendation, forward the submission confirmation email to your Division's Executive Assistant with the list of recipients to receive the commendation.
Person requesting Director's Commendation. This will not appear on the Commendation.
Email of person requesting Director's Commendation. This will not appear on the Commendation.
Commendation Recipient's Division